Moving to Mediation

We have not yet received the "No Board Report", once we do receive it, a communication will be sent notifying workers that the 17 day waiting period has begun.

Moving to Mediation

Moving to Mediation

October 14 2022

We have not yet received the “No Board Report”, once we do receive it, a communication will be sent notifying workers that the 17 day waiting period has begun.

We have agreed to enter into mediation with the Government & Council of Trustees Association when we return to the bargaining table on Monday. We have also been able to secure an additional date this session which will give us a three day block. We have agreed to William Kaplan as a mediator. Mr Kaplan has worked with us in the past.

We will continue throughout the mediation process, to update you as part of our commitment to ongoing transparency.

While we continue the fight at the table for a deal that ensures real wage gains and better services for our students, we encourage workers to continue to raise awareness of our issues with our family and community allies. We must send a clear message to this government - Negotiate not Legislate!