President: Joe Tigani
First Vice-President: Rod McGee
Rod was elect 1st Vice President of the OSBCU in 2019. Previously he held Area 1 VP in the former OSBCC from 2007-2018. He is also President of CUPE Local 2486 in Thunder Bay since 2000 and held various roles in his local since 1990. Rod works as a Head Custodian at Lakehead DSB starting his career in 1988.
Francophone Vice-President: Mitch Gagnon
Michel Gagnon, originally from the French-speaking region of Kapuskasing. Passionate about nature, he studied as a technician in forestry, fisheries and wildlife management. Mitch worked 10 years as a heavy truck driver in the forestry industry. During the summer months, he spends his free time camping and fishing. In 2004 Mitch headed to North Bay to started a new job at a secondary school. He was elected as vice-president for 9 months before becoming president of local 4865 for 3 years which covers an area from Parry Sound to Hearst. After attending a few CSCSO conferences, he decided to introduce himself as the French-speaking mobilizer executive of the CSCSO. He is dedicated to representing the rights of Francophone members in Ontario.
Secretary-Treasurer: Christa Rioux
Christa has been an Educational Assistant with the Niagara Catholic District School Board for over 26 years. She is the Secretary Treasurer for Cupe Local 1317 and the Secretary-Treasurer with the OSBCU. She is very passionate about getting members organized and involved within their locals.
Area 1 Vice-President: Jennifer Eckert
An educational assistant for over 20 years, Jennifer Eckert is also Chief Steward for CUPE 7575. The Local represents educational assistants and instructional assistants with the Thames Valley District School board in London, Ontario.
Area 1 Mobilization Officer: Jacqueline Ouellette
Jacqui is a steward and member of CUPE 1348 and work for the Greater Essex County District School Board as a Secretary. She has been working for the school board for 5 years. She is currently on the CUPE Ontario and CUPE National Young Worker Committees and was recently elected to be OSBCU Area 1 Mobilizer.
Area 2 Vice-President: Sarah Kuva
Sarah is an Educational Assistant at Grand Erie District School Board for over 25 years. She has been involved with her local executive in many capacities since the first year I started with the board and I hold the position of President of Local 5100.
Area 2 Mobilization Officer: Vacant
Area 3 Vice-President: Carrie Tibbo
Area 3 Mobilization Officer: Michelle Campbell
Michelle is an Educational Assistant (DSW) with over 20 years of experience working in schools and currently serves as the President of CUPE 1734. She became active in her local in 2022 as a Member Organizer & Steward, quickly establishing herself as a strong advocate for workers.
Passionate about organizing, Michelle was a Member Organizer supporting education workers in Sudbury during their union campaign. During the 2022 OSBCU historical political protest, she spoke at Queen’s Park to amplify the voices of education workers.
Michelle’s firsthand experience in schools and deep belief in collective action drive her commitment to strengthening worker power in Area 3 and beyond. She knows that real change happens when workers stand together, support each other, and organize for better conditions.
Area 4 Vice-President: Nora Shaughnessy

Area 4 Mobilization Officer: Lori-Ann Richards
Lori-Ann has been an Educational Assistant with the Durham District School Board for 28 years and has been a Bargaining Rep for 20 years. She is the EA Chairperson for the Educational Assistants and a Disability Management Rep for CUPE Local 218. She enjoys helping all members and being active in both her role with Local 218 and as the Durham/Northumberland CUPE Council Vice- President.
Area 5 Vice-President: Liz James
Liz James is excited to be the Area 5 VP again. Over the past 11 years she has been on OSBCC and OSBCU as a Mobilizer and Area VP. She has worked at the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board for over 23 years. During that time, she has held a variety of roles, including Educational Assistant, Library Worker and School Secretary. She currently holds a Clerk 2 position in Adult Education and ESL.
She has been President of CUPE Local 1479 for 8 years and Chief Steward for four years before that. Liz is responsible for three different bargaining units at CUPE Local 1479. She started out at the bargaining table centrally last round, but due to some personal issues she needed to step away. She is looking forward to supporting Are 5 and and getting a deal that workers deserve in 2026!
Area 5 Mobilization Officer: Kerry Webb
Kerry is an Educational Assistant with the HPEDSB with 23 years’ experience. Her involvement with LOCAL 1022 began in 2015 as a Steward representing Communicative Disorder Assistants (CDA), Designated Early Childhood Educators (DECE), and Educational Assistants (EA). With mentoring, and her desire for growth, she continued to develop and took on the following roles within Local 1022; Treasurer 2016 – 2019, Vice-President 2019- 2022, President 2022 – present. She is a strong and confident advocate for our members, ensuring everyone has the same opportunities to grow and develop as respected members, workers, and community members.
Area 6 Vice-President: Mike Galipeau
Mike works at the Algoma District School Board as a Custodian and he is also the President of CUPE 16.
Area 6 Mobilization Officer: Judy Leffler
Born and raised in Sault Ste Marie with a father that was part of the Teamster Union. It seemed inevitable that Judy and siblings would follow along in his footsteps. Her eldest brother was Vice President for CUPE Local 251 City if Oshawa for some time. Her husband was the President of Local 29 Bricklayers Union and now he and their son are members of Local 2251 USW.
Judy (while still a casual) was elected as Recording Secretary for Local 16. It was her intention to learn and advance in the Union roles. She was recording Secretary from 2013 to 2024 when she switched positions to Secretary Treasurer to present. Judy was offered the position as Regional Headquarter lead in 2021 for Sault Se Marie Region. She spent many hours in deep conversations with many locals, getting them ready for the biggest achievement done in history. While working with a great OSBCU group of Regional Headquarter Leads. Judy was elected as OSBCU Area 6 Mobilizer in October 2024 to help carry on yet another successful bargaining collective agreement in 2026. She will be running for Area 6 mobilizer in March 2025 in hopes that she will be able to continue working with amazing OSBCU executives and area locals to achieve what was done in 2022. Her long-term goal is to learn as much as possible and to be the best activist that she can be to help and encourage others to get involved.
Area 7 VP: Tammy Graham
Tammy is a proud CUPE Education Worker from Local 2486 in Thunder Bay. She has been involved in the union for the past 15 years in various roles from Secretary Treasurer and President of Local 3987, to Secretary Treasurer of Local 2486. She is a CUPE National Member Facilitator, providing workshops for fellow union members. As well as a CUPE appointed trustees for the CUPE Education Workers Benefit Trust.
Tammy was the Area 10 Rep of OSBCC, the Area 7 VP and Secretary Treasurer of OSBCU. She is once again the Area 7 VP at OSBCU, this will be her second round on the Central Bargaining team. As always, she is here to represent, support and fight for our members.
Area 7 Mobilization Officer: Alyssa McGee
Alyssa has been a Custodian with the Lakehead District School Board for 4 years. She has been working with her local 2486, in its mobilization efforts and is looking forward to working with the OSCBU/CSCSO as the new Area 7 Mobilizer. She is a Business Human Resource graduate and is passionate about human rights and advocacy for all members.
Francophone mobilization officer: Ginette Poulin
Ginette Poulin, originally from a cozy little town near Sudbury called St-Charles but the last 20 years I’ve been in Barrie. You’ll usually find me with a fishing rod or hunting gear in hand, as those are my passions. For the past 13 years, i’ve been a head custodian for conseil CSC MonAvenir. During this time I have been chief Steward for three years and spent a solid eight years representing injured workers for cupe local 4340.
Now, in 2023, I got elected as president. I love to help my members and I’m big on keeping Francophone rights alive. It’s all about making sure our heritage and culture stay strong. So yeah, that’s a bit about me – custodian by day, advocate for others by night, and a proud Francophone.
Health & Safety Representative: Roger Regular
Roger began his CUPE career as a steward with local 4313 in the Social Services Sector 19 years ago. He is the current Vice-President of local 4681 and has been an education worker in multiple capacities over the past five years with Northeastern Catholic District School Board in Moosonee.
As one of the original member organizers during the 2022 round of central bargaining and representing workers in one of the most remote regions of the province, he brings a unique perspective to the committee and an ongoing commitment to the deep organizing necessary to win gains for the education sector.
Roger is currently negotiating a first collective agreement for a newly certified bargaining unit with NECDSB and brings a focus to worker rights as the local union’s Health and Safety Rep, overseeing all aspects of local health and safety issues as well as the Joint Health and Safety Committee.
With a degree in Criminal Justice, a Certificate in Labour Relations and currently completing a Bachelor of Human Resources and Labour Relations, Roger is focused on improving workplaces for all CUPE members and ensuring worker rights are consistently enforced.
Injured Worker Representative: Mechelle O’Hagan
Mechelle is the Injured Worker Rep and President of CUPE 2512. She has been a Library Technician for 25 years with the Waterloo Catholic District School Board. Mechelle is a Health & Safety Certified Member and WSIB Specialist of the JHSC, and an Equity Representative, standing up for all members.
Equality Representative: Jehan Bisnauth
Jehan has been an Educational Assistant with Durham District School Board for over twelve years. She has also been an EA Steward, Bargaining Representative, served on the Bylaw Committee and the International Solidarity Committee for CUPE. She is committed to fostering inclusivity and fairness, dedicated to advocating for Equity in all facets of our union and working with each and every one to make a difference.
Eddie Pereira
Mike Filice
Susan Sainsbury